"Biological Alchemy"
In 'Biological Alchemy,' I blend nature and art, embarking on a transformative journey with found and borrowed objects. Each piece starts by scanning natural elements like birds, flowers, and insects, digitally bringing them together in collages. Even though the physical objects might not stick around, their scanned images become a permanent part of my digital library, a constant source of inspiration. Collaging these elements is a personal and instinctive process, responding to the unique energy, shape, balance, and color each element brings. The journey continues as the collages become real Polaroid prints, enhanced by the dreamy touch of Polaroid emulsion lifts. Despite the ability to make multiple copies, each print is a unique work of art due to the unpredictable nature of the emulsion lift. I invite you to witness the harmony between nature and art in 'Biological Alchemy,' where each creation captures its unique journey through the interplay of found elements, digital craft, and the photographic process. Emulsion Lifts are approximately 3x3 inches matted in white or black and presented in a gold or black frame.